The Vancouver Scrum

On the move!

Agh! You’re still here? My new site and weblog, is now up and running; new posts are building up over there, never to be mirrored here. Go! What are you waiting for? All the stuff worth keeping has been migrated over to the new server, and I don’t anticipate making any more posts here.

Bloggers and webmasters: Update your links! Simply replace with in your blogrolls or bookmarks to point to the new site. Old posts will remain on this server for as long as the people at Blogger/Google allow them to remain; unfortunately, I’m not going to bother to come up with any way of converting permalinks on this blog to their corresponding posts on the new site. Yes, I plead laziness. I also realize the irony of switching away from Blogger just it starts to add features that the demanding blog nerds insist upon.

Thanks for reading and linking, and see you over at!

—Ian King, December 13, 2004

Friday, August 02, 2002

We're always going against the grain out here in B.C.

B.C. premier Gordon Campbell continues to be a stick in the mud. The other provincial premiers are showing co-coperation among themselves, leading to suspicions that this premiers' conference may produce more than the usual complaining about Ottawa. Most of the premiers, including Ernie Eves and Ralph Klein, are also keeping an open mind towards the work of former Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanow's commission on the future of health care. Campbell has already dismissed it out of hand before Romanow's report has even been written.

"Frankly, I think [Roy Romanow's] ideas are mired in the past," Gordon Campbell told reporters. Translation: Because Romanow is an NDP'er, he cannot, in Campbell's world, have anything useful to contribute. Campbell seems to be forgetting that it was Romanow who forced through tough health care reforms in Saskatchewan in the 1990's that included closing down small-town hospitals and reforming the delivery of medical services. Romanow may be from the NDP, but he has shown no aversion to reforming medicare. In fact, he is more committed to reforming the system because he believes in its inherent value. Campbell would do well to pay attention to the forthcoming report from a man who has been there and has done that.
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