The Vancouver Scrum

On the move!

Agh! You’re still here? My new site and weblog, is now up and running; new posts are building up over there, never to be mirrored here. Go! What are you waiting for? All the stuff worth keeping has been migrated over to the new server, and I don’t anticipate making any more posts here.

Bloggers and webmasters: Update your links! Simply replace with in your blogrolls or bookmarks to point to the new site. Old posts will remain on this server for as long as the people at Blogger/Google allow them to remain; unfortunately, I’m not going to bother to come up with any way of converting permalinks on this blog to their corresponding posts on the new site. Yes, I plead laziness. I also realize the irony of switching away from Blogger just it starts to add features that the demanding blog nerds insist upon.

Thanks for reading and linking, and see you over at!

—Ian King, December 13, 2004

Monday, September 09, 2002

Updates to the Vancouver Scrum

On Friday (September 7th) I finally knucked down and cleaned up the template for this blog. Hope you like it.


Fonts are more consistent than previously

Annoying paragraph-breaks in upper-left cell removed

Some redundant HTML code removed in deference to those with slow connections -- I'm considering reducing the number of posts on the front page to 7 days. Please e-mail me with your comments for or against this. Thanks.

Added links to interesting sites including the Angry Liberal, the New Hamphshire Gazette, Mapleleafweb, the Daily Blah, and others. You got something good, or do you think that I'm missing something? Tell me about it.

Set up a section of links to pollsters in the lower left-hand (maroon) cell of the page. Most of these sites have a fair number of publicly released polls. Have fun.

Future plans:

New template (sometime)

Archive of my commentary pieces in a more appropriate (non-blogged) format.

Getting a life.
Comments: Post a Comment

Reports, opinions, columns, and anything else on this site, are © 2002-2003 Ian King unless otherwise noted. Permission granted to use material on this site for non-commercial purposes provided that the work is attributed to the original author. All other uses require specific permission of the original author. Contact weblog owner with any inquiries.

Feel free to link to this web log. The management likes getting lots of traffic.