On the move!
Agh! You’re still here? My new site and weblog, ianking.ca is now up and running; new posts are building up over there, never to be mirrored here. Go! What are you waiting for? All the stuff worth keeping has been migrated over to the new server, and I don’t anticipate making any more posts here.
Bloggers and webmasters: Update your links! Simply replace vancouverscrum.blogspot.com with www.ianking.ca in your blogrolls or bookmarks to point to the new site. Old posts will remain on this server for as long as the people at Blogger/Google allow them to remain; unfortunately, I’m not going to bother to come up with any way of converting permalinks on this blog to their corresponding posts on the new site. Yes, I plead laziness. I also realize the irony of switching away from Blogger just it starts to add features that the demanding blog nerds insist upon.
Thanks for reading and linking, and see you over at ianking.ca!
—Ian King, December 13, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Day 3/4/5: Sniping
Bert Paul of Bowen Island says he wrote to the auditor general after learning Reynolds spent nearly three times as much on travel costs as other MPs in the province... Reynolds' travel expenses for 2002 and 2003 were more than $380,000.
Reynolds counters that as the Conservative (formerly Alliance) house leader and high parliamentary mucky-muck, he has higher travel bills than most MPs. Well, that's fine and good, but it amuses me that an MP whose riding is a half-hour drive from a major international airport is often among the top ten in MP travel bills, regardless of his position. I'd expect big bills from MPs from isolated places like Nunavut, Labrador, or Skeena, where air travel is ridiculously pricey — but West Vancouver? Why, I expect outrage from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation over this MP who treats taxpayer dollars as his own! (Not likely; the Taxpayers Fed and the Conservatives are tighter than organized labour and the NDP. If Reynolds were a Grit or Dipper, it'd be a different story.)
If the Liberals really wanted to go after Reynolds, they might want to have a look at how much it cost to run Stornoway when Reynolds was Canadian Alliance interim leader...
Out in New Westminster, two rivals (who aren't) are having a little turf tiff. New Westminster-Coquitlam NDP candidate Steve McClurg has pointed out that Burnaby-New Westminster Liberal contender Mary Pynenburg's campaign office is actually in his riding. Pynenburg set up shop on Columbia Street, downtown New Westminster's main drag -- just on the other side of the Burnaby-New Westminster / New Westminster-Coquitlam boundary.
The real question: does anyone outside the hack 'n flack class care?
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